Backup freezes

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Backup freezes

Post by servicio »

I have 18 tasks configured in my Fbackup, and all the tasks are executed correctly, there is only one task whose purpose is to make a full backup, this task is NOT executed. Whenever I try to execute it my FBackup program freezes and it asks me to restart program

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup freezes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please make sure you have the last version of FBackup 9.0.317 installed.
If you still have the problem, send us the backup log for that job to info[at]fbackup[dot]com.

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by mathguy »

I have the most current version of FBackup (Build 323) and it freezes at 93%. It's never the same file but it is always at 93%. I've never had this issue before. The only way to get out of it is to choose Cancel. Stop does not work. Please advise.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup freezes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the last backup log for that job to info[at]fbackup[dot]com

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by mathguy »

Sent to you yesterday afternoon. No reply.

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by wrijoe »

I've been using FBackup for many years now through various versions with no issues. Same thing just happened to me with the 2nd to most recent update and the most recent update. I had 2 backups freeze. Both are the same just to different external drives. One freezes and 40% the other at 11%. Not the same file but same percent. I deleted one of the jobs and created a new one and it too is freezes. It's always freezes at 9%. Please advise. Thank you.

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by wrijoe »

So I went back and installed version 7.5.555 from the site and it works fine. So at least for me something broke at around version 9.0.317. Purely guessing here but it looks like maybe it's freezing at a file it would skip and instead of skipping it, it gets stuck.

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by Remleym »

I've been having freezes/lockups with the last couple of versions of the Free FBackup too. I first noticed it about a week ago but didn't have time to explore the problem then. I just updated to the latest version this morning after noticing the freeze problem was still there. I have two backup jobs that I build, both scheduled to run every night - one at 1:00AM the other at 3:00AM. The jobs are to mirror selected files (most of my hard drive, excluding all the Windows 10 stuff) to USB drives. These jobs have worked flawlessly up until the last couple of version updates of FBackup. After today's problem, even after updating to the latest version, I deleted both jobs and rebuilt one of them. I started it running and it has locked up again. This time at 10 percent. Any idea what gives?

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by mathguy »

Sounds like a real and introduced problem that they're not addressing. Going to have to look for something else I guess or regress to a previous version. Frustrating.

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Re: Backup freezes

Post by PubliusNV »

I'm having this problem also. Have tried 4 times to run my regular backup job, it froze once at 73%, twice at 79%, and once at 80%, on three different files (it froze twice on NTUSER.DAT). I've never had this problem on any previous version of FBackup.

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