Scheduler problem

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Scheduler problem

Post by wilkerson »

hello everyone

There's some issue with scheduler that gives a Last Run Result error "invalid directory" then doesn't run, but worse it doesn't alert you it didn't run. In scheduler I just created a new event and deleted the old one and now it works. But it had gone for months without me noticing.

thanks in advance

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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by gail0279 »

I'm also havingissues since upgrade to Win10 Pro. Last run date shows as 30 nov 1999 totally incorrect and no way to edit. Each day advances as per instruction but only if run manually

Windows Task Scheduler does not record or perform this task nor does Fbackup perform the task even if the CPU is left on and the Fbkup icon sitting in systray (pulled from hidden icons)

Can tech support please respond to these many views


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


It seems something changed on your computer after you made the initial setup. That change seems to affect the directory path.
Can you tell us what that change was? An OS upgrade?

In Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Task Scheduler, please edit a task which does not work.
Make sure that in Task -> Actions -> Start in, there aren't quotes.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Do you use the latest version of FBackup 8.5.272?
Do you have the same problem if you manually create a new scheduled task in Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Task Scheduler?

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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by gail0279 »

I use Windows 10 Pro
I rebooted then deleted Fbackup version 6.2.246
Re-installed using version 8.5.272
imported *.fkc files from version 6
created new schedule within Fbackup and ran it manually okay
Set the time for a scheduled operation and waited for it to run but it never does

Program Script = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 8\bSchedStarter.EXE"
Arguments = /R "{B08E38B3-F3AC-4A18-8318-91F689384238}" -PRIORITY 2 -FNT
Start in = C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 8\

I also created a new basic task within Task Scheduler (not Fbackup) with same program script
only /r in arguments and Start in left empty
but could not get it to run from within task scheduler by right cliking on "run"

thank you for your reply and look forward to receiving further information


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1978
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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please try to recreate the scheduled task from FBackup. Do you still have the problem?
If creating them from Control Panel, please use this command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 8\bBackup.exe" /r "job-name"

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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by gail0279 »

I recreated the schedule within Fbackup. it did not work. when viewed from Task Scheduler to confirm it had been created the Last Result column reads (0x41303)

I then tried to create a task from my user logon within Task Scheduler. got Error message following:
Task Scheduler cannot create this task. the user account is unknown, the password is incorrect or the
user account does not have permission to create this task

The account IS known; the password IS correct. took picture but cannot attach keeps telling me
it is an "invalid extension" tried PDF; TIFF; BMP; RTF So how does one show you what issues are being encountered?

Must i be logged on as an administrator to use Task Scheduler?
Is the "job name" that which i use to set up the schedule within Fbackup?
Using Task Scheduler under the General tab there is reference made at screen bottom to Configure For and the box displays
Windows Vista and Windows Server2008???? Should this be changed?

Fbackup used to work even when the user signed out leaving the laptop to run.
No i do NOT use sleep or hibernate modes and my laptop is always plugged in except when transporting.

thanks Gail

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1978
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Scheduler problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Using an administrator account will give you enough permissions to create scheduled tasks.
A default standard account has such permissions, but your account could be limited.

As I understand, you were not able to create a simple scheduled task in Control Panel, because the username and password were incorrect.
When you create a new task, the current user account is auto completed and you can select the option to "Run whether user is logged on or not", without entering wrong user and password.
Does it works this way?

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