Update 7.2 causing errors

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Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:33 am

Update 7.2 causing errors

Post by Culedood »


I updated my version of Fbackup to v 7.2 on Friday. Since then I have not been able to perform a normal backup. I keep getting an error: Backup aborted. Reason: 'E:' is not a valid integer value.

I was able to create a new job and run a full mirror copy of my drive, but when I tried to re-run to pick up the last few files that were being used during the backup (and were therefore overlooked), I got the same error. I've tried to attach the log file in various formats, but to no avail, so have copied it below:


[16/04/2018 3:41:50 PM] FBackup 7.2.346
[16/04/2018 3:41:50 PM] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 7\bBackup.exe /GUI {11111111-1111-1111-1111-222222222222} /JOB {D2E9523E-037D-41F0-A49C-F7B7F3205789}
[16/04/2018 3:41:50 PM] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[16/04/2018 3:41:50 PM] Operating system: Windows 10 Pro (Build 16299)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 4284 MB/8100 MB
User : VINEYARD1-PC\Vinyard 1
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/True/True
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : English (South Africa)
Installed antiviruses:
Windows Defender

[16/04/2018 3:41:50 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\Vinyard 1\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\FBackup.hst"
[16/04/2018 3:41:51 PM] Starting backup for "Daily Backup April 2018" at 16/04/2018 3:41:51 PM
[16/04/2018 3:41:51 PM] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[16/04/2018 3:41:51 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\Vinyard 1\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\Catalogs\Daily Backup April 2018.fkc"
[16/04/2018 3:41:52 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[16/04/2018 3:41:56 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[16/04/2018 3:41:56 PM] Opening file ":memory:"
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Using USN journal for the following sources:

[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Opening file ":memory:"
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\T - Z\Texas Digital (SA Policy) - 180413.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\G - M\Meissner P - 180416.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Niche Communication\180413 emailto OM - Broker fee was not increased.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Meissner PN\180416 emailto client - Deleted Mazda.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\N - S\Niche Communication - May Rnl 180416.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Niche Communication\180416 emailto client - Annual Review.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\G - M\Meissner RJ 180416.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Meissner RJ\180416 emailto client - New Policy.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Gavin Rain Studios\Claims\180326 188688080 - Potential TP claim\180416 emailfrom SA - legal claim being dealt with.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\N - S\Roup AA - 180416.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Roup AA\180416 emailto client cellphone changes.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Wileman L\Wileman L.xls
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\A - F\Anderson AJ - 180416.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Anderson AJ\180416 emailto client increased SI Of Bike.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\GAIA Fund Managers - Santam\180416 emailfromto GS & Jacqui - Asset register.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\11.7 CORRECTIONS 2018\T - Z\Van Eck - 180416.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Van Eck PR\180404 emailfrom client need to add iPads & laptop & Move vehicles.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Van Eck PR\180405 emailto client asking for details of iPads & Laptops & when to move vehicles.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Van Eck PR\180416 emailto client moved vehicles to Comm Policy.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Roup AA\180416 emailfrom client - thanks.msg
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Samuels G\180416 Schedule added & Deleted cellphone.pdf
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found file E:\zzClient\Wileman L\180416 Schedule - cellphones.pdf
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Found folder E:\zzClient\Naidoo L - GAP\Claims\180400 - New Claim
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Closing file ":memory:"
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Closing file "C:\Users\Vinyard 1\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\Catalogs\Daily Backup April 2018.fkc"
Backup aborted. Reason:
'E:' is not a valid integer value
Next scheduled backup: Not scheduled

Backup aborted after 7 second(s) at 16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM with 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
[16/04/2018 3:41:57 PM] Closing file "C:\Users\Vinyard 1\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\FBackup.hst"


I'm running Windows 10 on a core i5.

I hope this helps you to identify and fix the problem. Looking forward to your new patch.


Gerald Sutherland

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:33 am

Re: Update 7.2 causing errors

Post by Culedood »


Having fiddled with the properties of my backup, I've discovered there is a change in the way the software is operating from v 7.2.

I have a partition on my harddrive, which is the potion that is getting backed up by FBackup - namely the E:/ Drive.
I pointed the destination folder to the root of my portable device and it would create a folder called E/ and then save my Backup within that folder

Toshiba Device
[Backed up files]

Instead of creating a folder with the name of the drive being copied (namely E/), the name of the Backup Profile is used. Thus, when attempting the backup on Friday after the update to v 7.2, FBackup could not reconcile the old destination with the new one and an error was created.

Toshiba Device
Daily Backup April 2018 - this is the name I gave to my new backup profile while trying to figure it out
[Backed up files]

I have created a new back up profile - calling it Daily Backup April 2018 (as mentioned above)
I pointed the destination of the backup to the root of the Toshiba device instead of the E/ subfolder as was previously required
The software created it's own subfolder called "Daily Backup April 2018" and saved the Backup files within that folder.
When I re-run the backup, it no longer gives me the errors from the previous post.

Issues remaining
Two new errors have now cropped up, but these don't seem fatal to the backup:

- Warning: Skipping file E:\System Volume Information\IndexerVolumeGuid
Source error (code 203747548). Cannot find description of this error code. (E:\System Volume Information\IndexerVolumeGuid).
Please check the file permissions

- Warning: Skipping file E:\System Volume Information\WPSettings.dat
Source error (code 203747608). Cannot find description of this error code. (E:\System Volume Information\WPSettings.dat).
Please check the file permissions

Can anyone offer any insight into a solution for these errors? Something about permissions needed?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2019
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Update 7.2 causing errors

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


We made a new release with the fix. Please download the latest version of FBackup 7.2.349 from:
http://download.fbackup.com/download/se ... p-full.exe

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