Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by mdbole »

FYI: On 3/24/16, I was able to access the Fbackup to Google Drive source selection after having shut down my computer and rebooted. And, I uploaded a few more smaller folders successfully, adding them to the ones already uploaded. HOWEVER, I tried backing up another big folder, different from the one I had tried before, and after 1 hour, one minute and 26 seconds, the backup process simply stopped. The total backup of 38,755.24 KB was at 85% of Total Progress with 32,959.95 KB Processed. There were 1892 sub-folders and files in the big folder I was trying to backup to Google Drive. As observed on SEVERAL occasions before, the common denominator seems to be that IF IT CANNOT BE UPLOADED IN ABOUT AN HOUR, FBackup simply stops all by itself. At least, that has been my experience! Any ideas on a solution?

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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by mdbole »

The following is what the log report showed at the very end where it stopped yesterday (3/24/16) when I was trying to upload the latest big file to Google Drive. I canceled the backup and allowed it time to abort. I shut down the computer and rebooted today (3/25/16) and was able to access the Log File. Does this information tell you anything about what might be happening?

[3/24/2016 20:55:03] Retry uploading the file "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy20\Users\MDB\Documents\Resources\Old Sermons\98-11-08.SER" to "0B9oG7RTbqTbrUzJod3hFelVrRUU/0B9oG7RTbqTbrcTkzekRMRjRRSzA/0B9oG7RTbqTbrRkNmUUNoLVJ0akU/0B9oG7RTbqTbrRTZicVo5U212WFE/0B9oG7RTbqTbrREZpUklNZnpzck0/0B9oG7RTbqTbrS09FdDRqaDlwdjQ/0B9oG7RTbqTbrMERtMVBNamJBY2s|Dell 14z Cloud/C/Users/MDB/Documents/Resources/Old Sermons/98-11-08.SER" (Google Drive)
Item does not support resume
[3/24/2016 22:08:34] Closing file "C:\Users\MDB\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 6\FBackup.hst"

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the complete backup log and the .fkc catalog file if it exists in the local catalog folder.
Send both files to info[at]fbackup[dot]com

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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by mdbole »

Sorry... I've gotten so frustrated with this whole FBackup to Google Drive process that I've given up trying with my Windows 7 laptop. A few days ago, I deleted everything i could find associated with Fbackup and Google Drive. I've kept ONLY the Fbackup data on my hi-capacity USB flash drives. I've resisted changing to Windows 10. However, I've been thinking lately of making the switch to W10 in hopes that some of these complications I've been having with my W7 computer might be resolved. Yet, I've spent so much time and effort trying to find answers and experimenting that I'm not sure I have the energy right now to go through the hassle of changing operating systems. All of this is to say, I appreciate your effort to help me, but I'm done. If anyone else has this FBackup to Google Drive uploading problem, as well, perhaps they could follow up with you? Or, maybe I was the only one for some strange reason which shall remain a mystery?

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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by HEN »

This problem also exists in me
Is there a solution?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2019
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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the last backup log to info[at]fbackup[dot]com

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Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by HEN »

Since he was arrested, seem to have no backup log.
Anyway, I do not know how to do it.
Please note that I tried several different tasks and is lodged in them, except for very small tasks which is not bogged down.
Every task is permanently stuck in a certain place
When I created a new backup job hangs separately folder in which it is played, no problem
Maybe you have logged onto my computer can be remotely controlled

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2019
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


You can find the last backup log if you right click the backup job and select Job Log->Last backup log.

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