Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
After 8 hours of backing up My Documents to my Google Drive in the cloud today, FBackup stopped at one of the folders and does not continue after 31% completion of the backup process. I've deleted and restarted at least three times last night and today in my effort to get the "My Documents" whole backup uploaded to the cloud. Is there a problem with FBackup's latest version regarding LONG backups to the cloud? Or, is there something else I need to know about backing up to the cloud that doesn't apply when backing up to my usual flash drive? FYI: I still have 10GB left on my Google Drive. I would appreciate some assistance with my problem.
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
Did I misunderstand that FBackup would upload my Documents to Google Drive? After trying again and having FBackup FREE stop uploading at 3% this time, I saw something on the comparison with Backup4All where there is a big red X on FBackup next to the feature of backing up to the cloud. Backup4All PAID seems to be required to allow for CLOUD backups. Is this correct? Am, I condemned to failure every time by trying to upload more than a few files and folders to Google Drive using FBackup? Please clarify.
- Posts: 2019
- Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
You can back up to Google Drive using FBackup. The other cloud destinations are available only in Backup4all.
Please send us the last backup log for that job to info[at]fbackup[dot]com, to see what the problem is.
You can back up to Google Drive using FBackup. The other cloud destinations are available only in Backup4all.
Please send us the last backup log for that job to info[at]fbackup[dot]com, to see what the problem is.
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
I sent you the log file as requested but have not heard back regarding the Drive Cloud Backup problem. Since sending you the log file with further information, I've attempted other backups and have observed that FBackup stops running after about 1 hour's time each time. One was 52.31 minutes. Another was 1 hour and 4 minutes. The last one was 1 hour and 16 seconds. I've noticed, as well, that some files, which I don't think changed from the previous attempt, seem to re-upload slowly each time. Other files seem to re-upload rather quickly. The backup always seems to start over from the same place each time? As best I can tell, the latest backup does not skip the already uploaded files. Further, I'v e not seen deleted computer files removed from the back up even though I have FBackup set to do that using the mirror backup option. Would a better option be to just download DRIVE to my computer and drag the files I want backed up into that folder and have Google Drive upload them and sync them as I use them? I read about that idea this evening and am just wondering if that would work. Looking forward to getting your solution to this frustrating problem.
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
After installing your TWO FBackup Updates recently, I am still having MAJOR problems with FBackup to Google Drive! I tried a new backup of only ONE FOLDER as suggested in your email. It uploaded to Google Drive but would not stop showing that it was "updating catalog". After a few hours, I canceled the backup and now it shows "aborting backup" just like the other attempt I made a few days ago. Now, I have TWO backups which will NOT stop running and, as a result, I cannot right click and delete either one of them. In addition, I have tried TWO OTHER backups, one to a thumb drive and the other to an SDHC card. Both of them run fine without any warnings or errors. However, I've noticed that both show something like 18 File Count Processed and 138% complete but the total Backup size was 13 file count and 99% total progress. Yet, as I said, there were no warnings or errors reported. AS WELL, the SDHC card took 6.53 minutes to finish but the thumb drive took only 1.04 minutes to back up the same files. Go figure? In frustration, I have deleted most of my backup log in an effort to clean things up but the logs for the TWO NON-STOP running backups will not delete. Neither will the TWO Backups which won't stop running. HOW DO I DELETE THEM? I simply cannot get F-BACKUP to work properly with Google Drive! I even tried to reinstall the latest version of F-backup again to see if a reinstall would get rid of the NON-STOP running backups but it tells me I already have it installed. I'm nervous about uninstalling F-Backup and starting over because I THINK it will clean out my working backups which seem to be okay except for the weird behavior of 18 files processed at 99% when the total file count was 13 with 138% of the files processed. What is happening here? Should I UNINSTALL FBackup completely and clean out every trace of the program and its data and start over?
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
SOMEHOW, I know not why, but this time, when I shut down my computer and rebooted, the TWO NON-STOP running backups were available for deletion! Immediately, I deleted them. So, that particular component of my most recent post seems to have been resolved. That does not take care of the Google Drive issue I still seem to have of not being able to successfully upload my documents to the cloud. Any further assistance with the Google Drive issue and the weird file count behavior would be much appreciated.
- Posts: 2019
- Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
Please try to uncheck some larger source files from Backup Properties->Sources.
Run again the backup and after that you can check back the other files to be backed up.
Run again the backup. Do you still have the problem?
Please try to uncheck some larger source files from Backup Properties->Sources.
Run again the backup and after that you can check back the other files to be backed up.
Run again the backup. Do you still have the problem?
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
As you recommended, I backed up a few smaller folders to Google Drive and everything worked fine. However, before going to bed last evening, I selected just one of my larger folders and let it run. This morning, 3/23/2016, I checked progress and found that, once again, FBackup had stopped uploading to my 30GB Google Drive account. So, it is clear that if I want to use Google Drive to backup My Documents, initially, at least, I MUST painstakingly back up each sub-folder individually until ALL are uploaded. That seems like more work than it is worth, especially when I can use high capacity USB Flash Drives to do the whole job (Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures & Videos) quickly using just one (1) source selection. Thanks, anyway, for trying to help! Maybe, someday, FBackup will be designed to back up an entire DOCUMENTS folder to Google Drive with only one (1) source selection? BTW: Thank you for FBackup Free. I really like the Mirror capability of the backup program, especially the ability to remove old files as newer files are saved on the backup. I've not been able to find ANY other backup program which will do the Mirror style. Keep up the good work! 

- Posts: 2019
- Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
Can you tell me the size of the backup which failed?
We have no problems here in backing up large files to Google Drive.
Can you tell me the size of the backup which failed?
We have no problems here in backing up large files to Google Drive.
Re: Backup to Google Drive Stopped at 31%
I took a picture of the screen when it stopped on 3/23/2016 and the following information was indicated:
Upload Progress: Processed 0 KB Total Backup Size 6,172.43 KB Percent 0%
File Progress: Processed 0 KB Total Backup Size 120.64 KB Percent 0%
File Count: Processed 0 KB Total Backup Size 647 Percent 0%
Total Progress: Processed 331,473.57 KB Total Backup Size 875,842.27 KB Percent 37%
Elapsed Time 5:53:17
Estimated Time 5:24;25
Of course, when FBackup stopped, that particular backup became locked. The aborting backup message would not go away and there was no access to the right click menu to edit or delete. I have not checked since I've rebooted my computer to see if that particular backup is available for editing or deleting again.
I hope the data I've provided gives you a clue as to what might be happening. Could some sort of Google setting be causing the problem?
Upload Progress: Processed 0 KB Total Backup Size 6,172.43 KB Percent 0%
File Progress: Processed 0 KB Total Backup Size 120.64 KB Percent 0%
File Count: Processed 0 KB Total Backup Size 647 Percent 0%
Total Progress: Processed 331,473.57 KB Total Backup Size 875,842.27 KB Percent 37%
Elapsed Time 5:53:17
Estimated Time 5:24;25
Of course, when FBackup stopped, that particular backup became locked. The aborting backup message would not go away and there was no access to the right click menu to edit or delete. I have not checked since I've rebooted my computer to see if that particular backup is available for editing or deleting again.
I hope the data I've provided gives you a clue as to what might be happening. Could some sort of Google setting be causing the problem?