Default backup type switching under backup job properties

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Default backup type switching under backup job properties

Post by phil6891 »

*Sorry re-posting under troubleshooting section*

Hi there

After running a mirror backup a few times, I went into the backup properties for that backup and the backup type was selected on the left as full instead of mirror.

I wanted to switch it back to mirror but a warning came up stating if I change the backup type it would delete all my backup files.

As a test I ran the backup to see what it would do, and it's running a mirror backup instead of a full backup... :?

I then deleted the backup job from the list and then opened my backup *.fkc file again, went into properties and now it's mirror... :?

Is this a bug? If you want me to provide a video demo I can do.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Default backup type switching under backup job properties

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


We were able to reproduce the problem and we will fix it.

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