Delete failed Code 5 error -- again.

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Post by Marmic »

Just tried installing v4.8 and ran into the delete failed code 5 error again. Seems like this happens to me with every update release.
Before installing, I shut down FB4.

I opened task manager and ensured no FB4 software (other than fbaSched) was running.

Ran the 4.8 update.

Three times I got the code 5 error. Each time I aborted the update, went to the FB4 directory and inserted an "X" infront of the offending file name.

After the third time (three programs renamed) 4.8 installed without an error and ran fine.

Now I have three renamed files in the directory and WIN 7 will not let me deleted them even though I have full administrator rights and control.
The 3 renamed files are: xfbaShed.exe, xStarburn.dll, and xVscSrv2008.exe. (I added the x to each file name to get the install to run.)

The 4.8 install re-added these files during the update, with the x (of course).
I have had code 5 errors for a long time and usually wind up deleting FB4 entirely and then reinstalling from the new release.
Any suggestions as to how to get rid of the old files. I have them in a seperate directory that I created in FB4.

Posts: 4
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Post by Marmic »

Error in Post -- Correction. When 4.8 finally installed, it did NOT add an X to the programs I renamed.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
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Post by Adrian (Softland) »

Please restart the computer and try again to remove the old files.

Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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Post by Marmic »


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Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:20 pm

Post by Marmic »

At last, I got them removed. Thanks for your assistance.

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