Destination drive letter changes automatically.

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Destination drive letter changes automatically.

Post by kratz »


I have a server running FBackup 5.
It has five jobs configured, one for each day mon-fri.
I have two harddrives that is switched between every monday as destination for backups.
Both harddrives have the drive letter O:\ .
One in a while, after changeing the drives on monday, FBackup5 changes the drive letter to E:\ on every job. In the configuration.
I cant find any reason why this happens, how can i get rid of this annoying phenomenon?
I dont want to go in and check evey week if this have happened or not.

Best regards

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2004
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Destination drive letter changes automatically.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


When that happens, what is the drive letter listed in Windows Explorer for the USB drive?
Do you have other drives connected to that computer with E: drive letter?

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