FB 7.0 Build 206 SQL error

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FB 7.0 Build 206 SQL error

Post by Catastrada »


I ve been using Fbackup for years now and it was 100% reliable yet.
But since yesterday my dayli backup stops after a 1 or 2 minutes always wih the same error message in the report :

Erreur SQL " INSERT INTO TempFileVerDelExcluded ( FileVersionID, BackupID ) VALUES (?,?); " - sqlite_step, Echec de contrainte - échec en raison de violation de contrainte (1555) (InsTmpFlsVerExcluded.3)
Erreur SQL "m_hStmtTmpFlsVerExcl" - SQLite_Finalize, Echec de contrainte - échec en raison de violation de contrainte (1555) (SQL04)

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2019
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: FB 7.0 Build 206 SQL error

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


It seems there is a problem with the backup catalog.
Please send us the .fkc catalog file to info[at]fbackup[dot]com or try to create a new backup job.

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