FBackup stuck!

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FBackup stuck!

Post by MCL »


I am running FBackup 4.8 for two weeks, scheduled to mirror a folder from the local PC to the database server every day. The PC is working for 40-50 days without restarting (always ON). In these fourteen days the program stuck three times at the same point. The last program action was "Shadow copy created." and after that could not add any file to the destination folder. The program did not send any error message or write anything to the log file after this point. It is just running forever without any action.

Last log file:
[8/18/2013 1:00:05 PM] FBackup 4.8.289
[8/18/2013 1:00:05 PM] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[8/18/2013 1:00:05 PM] Starting backup for "PC69021" at 8/18/2013 1:00:05 PM
[8/18/2013 1:00:05 PM] Operating system: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 468 MB/989 MB
Display (res/color/DPI) : 1024X768/32 bit/96
System font (name/height/size/charset) : Tahoma/-11/8/1
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/True/True
IsWOW64 : False
Locale : English (United States)
[8/18/2013 1:00:05 PM] Expand "PC69021" is running. Stopping expand ...
[8/18/2013 1:00:32 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[8/18/2013 1:00:32 PM] Checking backup destination (Network)
[8/18/2013 1:00:32 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[8/18/2013 1:23:45 PM] Found folder C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL\1310\Q11890\0020C
[8/18/2013 1:23:45 PM] Found file C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL\1310\Q11890\0020C\IN-J1_(0137).crpv
[8/18/2013 1:23:45 PM] Found file C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL\1310\Q11890\0020C\IN-J1_(0153).crpv
[8/18/2013 1:23:45 PM] Found file C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL\1310\Q11890\0020C\IN-J1_(0153).Stat
[8/18/2013 1:24:30 PM] Found file C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL+\1314\Q11890\0015A\J2-T2_(0712).Stat
[8/18/2013 1:24:30 PM] Found file C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL+\1314\Q11890\0015A\J2-T2_(0713).crpv
[8/18/2013 1:24:30 PM] Found file C:\SwitchLTR\MSP2TA-18XL+\1314\Q11890\0015A\_Log.txt
[8/18/2013 1:26:48 PM] Folders found to backup: 3
[8/18/2013 1:26:48 PM] Files found to backup: 415 (210,497.28 KB)

[8/18/2013 1:26:48 PM] Preparing shadow copy
[8/18/2013 1:26:49 PM] Shadow copy created.


Please advise.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


How long did you wait for the program to respond?
It should generate a bug report in 10 minutes after being stuck. Did you get such a popup with a bug report?

Do you have the same problem with other jobs?

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Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by MCL »

The program stuck on Sunday at 1:30 pm. On Monday at 9:00am I closed the program using Task Manager (more then 19 hours).
No pop-ups I found.
I do only one backup job.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please try the following:
1. Run the backup manually when you are in front of the computer. Do you have the same problem?
2. If it still fails, please create a new backup job for only few files. Does it happen the same?

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Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by MCL »

First time it happened to me was on Aug 5, 2013. I restarted the PC and manually ran the backup and it completed successfully. After that backup runs automatically every day and I did not have problems until Aug 16, 2013 when it happened again. I closed FBackup program (did not do backup manually). On Saturday Aug 17, 2013 FBackup completed successfully automatically. On Sunday the program stuck and I found it on Monday Aug 19.
Please advise.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
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Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Can you find what is different in those days when FBackup stuck?

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Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by MCL »

No changes on the PC. Everything is the same.
Please advise.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send me the complete log file when such a problem appears again.
Send it to info[at]fbackup[dot]com

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:26 pm

Re: FBackup stuck!

Post by MCL »

Please, check Email I sent you today and advise.

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