Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

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Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by dve »

Hi all

I really hope you can help me out. I just tried FBackup in Mirror mode which worked well

Then I deleted some files on the SOURCE side and re-run the backup: it was finished within 1 minute and it did NOT delete the files at the BACKUP side.
I hope I make sense to you. So what it did not do is synchronise

What am I doing wrong...? It should not be required that I delete my whole backup at the BACKUP location and rerun, right? That would make the tool very very slow...

If I need to buy the full FBackup to do what I described then I will.

Hope somebody can advise me!

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please make sure there is at least one new or modified file for the backup to run. The file deletion is part of the backup execution.

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Re: Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by dve »

Hi Softland,

I tried some things, made in the SOURCE a file and a folder. Then run the backup: they were in the DESTINATION as well
Then I delete them in the SOURCE, rerun the backup: they are NOT removed in the DESTINATION. And I checked the backup properties: I have selected the option "Remove excluded or deleted files from backup".

So as a summary: If the SOURCE changes the DESTINATION (my backup) is not always updated.

I have windows 8.1 as OS

What can be wrong?

Best regards

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Re: Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by dve »

Softland wrote:Hi,

Please make sure there is at least one new or modified file for the backup to run. The file deletion is part of the backup execution.
Yesterday I did what you mentioned but many times a change in the SOURCE does not get through in the BACKUP.
When I make a 2nd change then it even happens that this change makes it to the BACKUP but the change before that never does...

What can be wrong here?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the .fkc catalog file from the backup destination to info[at]fbackup[dot]com.
Also tell us the name and path for the deleted file and the new/modified files.
Send us the last backup logs for that job too.

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Re: Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by etenden »

I am seeing a similar issue, where a change in the mirror is not causing a backup to really happen.
(even if I delete the catalogue file)

My situation:

Data on an internal HDD being mirrored to an External HDD.
I have 2 ext HDD's that I use.

Ex-HDD1 - I have a freshly formatted HDD and created a starting folder called Backup. Run the requested backup and it works fine.
Ex-HDD2 - If I swap out to the second Ex-HDD and run the same backup (this drive does not had any files yet) the backup completes in seconds, not realizing that there are no files on the other end of the mirror. Even if I close FBackup, delete the .fkc file in the users folder. It just does not seem to look at both sides of the mirror, to do any validation.

This did work with the last version (5.x) but there seems to be an issue in the new version.
If the file is not on the destination drive in the mirror, should the backup not but it there?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Mirror backup not synchronising the files when running 2nd (or more) time

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


As I understand, you use the rotation destination scheme with Mirror backup type, which does not work in FBackup, but only in our commercial edition Backup4all. That was not working in FBackup 5.
You can use the Full backup type which creates a full backup every time, no matter which destination drive is connected.

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