not a vild back up job

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not a vild back up job

Post by FHROTARY »

Whenever FBackup6 is run (daily) I keep getting the msg "(91E89113-375E-4D2C-8F47-27AC2359A053) is not a valid backup job or group". When I look in file log it says that the same string "could not find job or "tag"." The actual files appear to be backed up okay, but the annoying message persists. How can I get rid of it. I have uninstalled FBackup6, reinstalled it, created new backup jobs, but the msg remains. HELP.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2019
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: not a vild back up job

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


It seems there is a scheduler for an invalid backup job.
To fix the problem, please go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Task Scheduler.
Delete the invalid scheduled task from there.

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