Restore creates read only files and folders

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Restore creates read only files and folders

Post by Starman »

In Win 7 - D drive crashed - but when I restore everything from my Fbackup to a new drive all the files in new destination D Drive are read only and protected and cannot be accessed " you do not have permission" . How do I overcome this read only problem without going into a whole tedious story of changing attributes of the restored files and folders.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Restore creates read only files and folders

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


1. What version of FBackup do you have?
2. What is the backup type used for that job?
3. Was the backup created under a different user?

If you restored the files having custom permissions for a specific account which no longer exists, they might have different permissions for the account you use. In such a case you need to change the folder permissions for the current user (using an administrator account) and all files inside will be accessible.

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Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:11 am

Re: Restore creates read only files and folders

Post by Starman »

Hi there and thanks for the response and sorry for the lack of detail which I will hopefully now correct.
1. I am using and have done the restore under the latest version 6.5.373 although the backups were probably initially done under an earlier version.
2. The backups were done as mirror so this is a direct copy of the files on my defunct D drive and can be seen as such under " My Computer" exactly as they were on the D drive (ie not protected)
3. I am the only User on my Network which involves 2 machines only - one Win 7 SP1 32 bit and Win XP SP3 for older programs which I still need which somehow I have managed to network and can see and move files across the 2 PCs and on" My Cloud".
4. On both machines I log on as Administrator.
5. Backups are successfully done from both machines as Mirror images and are backed up to a Western digital "My Cloud" machine where I am set up for "full Control". (Old machine C and D drives and New Machine C and D drives to the same names on the My Cloud)
6. I have done further tests and and can view and COPY a folder with unprotected files from the mirror folders on My Cloud and copy these to my new D Drive (partition) which is then not protected as not read only and what I need to achieve.
7. But this is not the way things should work - I should be able to restore with Fbackup selected folders/files or everything and have them as they originally were ie not protected.
8. Having originally restored "My Cloud" New Machine D Drive to my PC New Machine D Drive and the files being read only I could not even delete these to start again and had to use "Unlocker" Ver 1.92 to delete these and start again.
ps I am 73 years of age, not an IT technician and this is driving my crazy

I hope that someone clever can find a solution the the "protected" restore situation.

Thanks in advance :-)