restore doesn't work

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restore doesn't work

Post by newstartech »

Using Fbackup 7 for windows 7 PC. The PC died. Move USB hdd contains backup files to another PC. I can find the fkc file and all zips files with data. However, the zip files size is range from 1G-Gb. However, I can't open it. it returns invalid archive file by windows explorer. Tried with restore wizard, it restore 0 files even I select all files. Looking deep, I tried winzip and told it is corrupted zip file. using zip2fix and WinRAR, it can only file very first 4 folders and files. Not any more. Since I have backup 2 twice a week with 2 sets of backup file. So I got quite a lot of zip files that can play with and try. So far, nothing working for me. Any idea? Does fbackup has any support for this?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


First, let's make sure the zip files you have, are not corrupted.
Please use WinZip 9.1 or later to test them.
Or you can run a backup test from FBackup, by pressing the Test (F9) button.

Then, if the backups are fine, please run again the Restore Wizard and make sure you select the "Restore excluded or deleted files" option.

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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by newstartech »

I used WinZip v22 and v14 as well as WinRAR 5.50 to verify, all zip files are corrupted. only upto 42M can be recovered. Since the PC is dead, I can't run test at all.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


In this case, if the zip files are corrupted, you cannot restore the backup using FBackup.

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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by newstartech »

Softland wrote:Hi,

In this case, if the zip files are corrupted, you cannot restore the backup using FBackup.
That is why I am really concern the FBackup, it shows backup successful and create corrupted zip file.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The zip file is tested after the backup. If no errors were found, it means the zip was created fine by FBackup.
It could be a virus or another cause that got the file corrupted.

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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by newstartech »

I have multiple backup job using Fbackup. when PC hard disk died. I tried to recover the data. 2 backup job with small zip file size (only contain 10x mdb files) are restored successfully. While 2x backup job with everything (expect temp, open files), very large zip file size are corrupted. Doesn't think virus are so smart that can selectively corrupt file. That is why I am now using mirror only method. And warn all my clients who using fbackup/backup4all with zip option to find something else.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Do you have any logs for those large file backup executions?

On the computer where you want to restore the backup, please install FBackup, then open the .fkc catalog file from the backup destination. That will recreate the backup job in FBackup. If you run a test for such a backup in FBackup, does it shows any error?
In the Restore Wizard, did you select the "Restore excluded and deleted files" option?

I can assure you FBackup can create and handle large zip files without any problem.
We are trying to find exactly what is the problem in your case.

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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by newstartech »

As I stated before, the source hard disk died and not recoverable. no log file can be retrieved. I am experienced IT guru, I did all I can to try rescue the date. install fbackup on another PC and using fkc file to try restore with all different settings, using winzip, WinRAR and other zip recover tools to try.
On the original dead PC with fbackup, when it works, the backup status is warning as some files can't be backed up. I did checked a few times, they are all temp or system files that can be ignored. I suspend that zip corruption is caused by version upgrade. When I first installed fbackup, it is early version. in some stage, fbackup prompted to upgrade to latest version that I did. In target external usb hard disk, I did find one or two more than 1 year old large zip file, it restores ok. However, didn't work for me for recent large zip file. That is all I can offer since my client is moving on, as this matter is dragged to long now.

Larry Gilmore
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Re: restore doesn't work

Post by Larry Gilmore »

If the zip files are corrupted, you cannot restore the backup using FBackup

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