Scheduler problem

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Scheduler problem

Post by alanrwood »

Been using FBackup (Free) for some years with a scheduled backup set for 5pm daily. It has worked consistently for some years on a home network of several PCs and a Synology NAS box on which the backup is stored. None of the PCs etc have a login password set as it is not necessary in my home environment.

I recently updated FBackup to V6.3.278 and my scheduled backups ceased to work.

I have tried to reset the schedule properties but it will not allow me to set a schedule without entering a user account password which in this case does not exist and never has done. If I click save then the schedule is not saved at all.

Anyone know what has changed in this version or how I can correct this as I don't really want to switch programs as FBackup has been excellent in the past few years

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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by alanrwood »

OK I have sorted it out. During the update some of the prefs seem to have been changed in particular Scheduler setup/General where the User A/C had been changed and Run if not logged in had been ticked.

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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by Ferke »

Elnézést de az angol írás nem az erősségem, ezért írok magyarul. :roll:
Újabban az FBackup 6.4 309 nem végzi el az ütemezett feladatokat.
Több Mirror mentési feladatom van amelyek naponta többször kellene, hogy mentsék az adatokat (a merevlemezről bizonyos teljes mappát) a Google Drive mappába a merevlemezen. Hát ez nem működik. :cry:
Ha manuálisan elindítom a mentési feladatot akkor tökéletesen elvégzi a feladatot. Az előző verzióban FBackup minden rendben volt.
Azt hittem, hogy az új verzió nem tudta pontosan átvenni a feladatokat ezért töröltem és újra létrehoztam, de sajnos így sem lett jó az ütemezett mentés.
Megoldható ez a probléma?


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Scheduler problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Does the scheduled backup starts? If yes, please send us the last backup log to [email protected]
What about if you run the scheduled backup while you are logged on in front of the computer?

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