Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

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Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

Post by avguser »

I have not seen this topic addressed,. I will try my best to describe.

Recently upgraded from winXp to Win 8 (entirely new computer). I imported my old backup jobs. I started running under a local Win8 Account where i was the administrator. I could change/edit the backup job parameters with no problems (e.g., time to run, files to include/exclude, etc)

For some reason, i decided to change over to a "Microsoft account". The backup jobs did not run the first day., SI, i started tinkering with settings. Apparently i needed to set the user to be my MS ID rather than the local computer ID.

But, my troubles did not end. wanted to update the times and parameters of the backups. When i go in to the job properties and make a change, all the information now disappears. For example, i i edit a schedule, after hitting save, the job disappears. I have no idea how or why other than i cannot explain the interaction between FBU, Win8, Local Accounts and MS Accounts.

Is there a troubleshooting or explanation guide to help me? Am i the only one that tripped over this?

Something is "cached" out there but i am puzzled where to even start looking.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The scheduled tasks visible for the current user account are only those created with your account.
For example: if you are logged with the local account and you create tasks with the Microsoft account, you won't see them.
They exists in Control Panel->Task Scheduler.

As per the problem you have with the tasks created using your local account, please try to manually create a new task from Control Panel->Task Scheduler, using the local account. Does it run?

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Re: Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

Post by avguser »


I am at work reading this reply and not at my home PC. I will check the status of the Control Panel Task Scheduler.

A related question for this issue. If i create backup in the local account or via the MS Account - and set them up to run when the user is not logged on - will they run? I'm trying to figure that out but is seems near impossible to figure out :) For instance, last night i created three new backups under the local account that were to run at midnight. None of them ran. I cannot understand why,

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2015
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Re: Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If you create a scheduled task to run when no user is logged on, it should run.

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Re: Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

Post by avguser »


I learned something today/last night. That is, where the Windows scheduler is in the control panel.

I found my jobs and reviewed the settings. They were 'supposed' to run at midnight, but they did not. I am perplexed. The scheduler said the next run is to occur tonight at midnight, but the 'last run' was more than a day ago when i forced matters to occur. I am stumped.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 2015
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Re: Win8: Local versus Microsoft account

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Can you manually create a new task in Control Panel->Task Scheduler, to run a simple task?
If yes, please create a task manually for FBackup, does it run?

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