Connection to IPC Server lost

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Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by tripleseven1 »

Apparently I have successfully installed FBackup version 5/182. However, at various times during the running of the backup job I have been getting the following message " FBackup 5 Connection to IPC Server lost, Cannot connect pipe client " When this message appears and you click on YES to attempt to reconnect nothing happens. When you click on NO the FBackup app disappears from the screen but the backup job seems to continue in the background and gives no advice when and if it completes. Would anyone care to suggest a fix or cause? Thank you for any info. Using PC/Windows 7 with all updates. September 1st: also see 'Major Bug..' thread under General tab.
Last edited by tripleseven1 on Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by ishapira »

I updated from 4.X to 4 this week. So far seems that it was not the best idea. have several problems:
1. Same error as post #1 with the IPC server message.
2. despite marking "start at window startup", the option does not stay marked, and the app does not start on windows startup.
3. Various crashes and freezes at different stages of the "backup" or "test" of various jobs - got 5 i imported from the previous version of Fbackup 4.X.
4. overall V. 5 seems to be very unstable (!) compared to previous versions - which I have been using for the last 3 years (on Windows 7).
Hope these issues get fixed quickly

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


1. @tripleseven1 and @ishapira: please send us the last backup log for the backup job with problems (FBackup 5 Connection to IPC Server lost, Cannot connect pipe client). To find it, right-click the backup job and select Job Logs->Last backup log.
Send it to info[at]fbackup[dot]com

2. We found that problem and we will fix it in the next release.

3. It would be helpful to send us the log files when problems appear. Send them to info[at]fbackup[dot]com, also describing the situation.

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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by tripleseven1 »

Thanks for your response. As requested, the latest log of a backup which resulted in this error has been sent to [email protected]. The error occurred on every attempt at a backup. Tripleseven1

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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by jeobenauer »

I am glad to hear that the problem was found. I had to un-install fbackup 5 and re-install fbackup 4 as fbackup 5 was unusable to me with this error.

I will re-install fbackup 5 after the next version is released.

I will also put in an additional request. The performance of fbackup 5 is very poor compared to fbackup 4. Can this also be worked?


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


For the speed problem, can you describe a little: the backup size, backup destination type, backup type, the time difference from version 4 to 5?

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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by parrent »

- I'm using FB 5-192 on Win Server 2k3.
- I guess this with the IPC connection report wasn't corrected yet, and the
- status reporting has frozen, but
- it appears the backup is progressing as the log files continue to grow.

I am having the same problem described in earlier posts - after several hours of execution, the application presents a dialog showing
"Do you want to restart the IPC server? Connection to the IPC server has been lost. Cannot connect pipe client." *
I'm running this on three machines since about 4 pm yesterday. 12 hours later the progress bar had moved from 33% to 36% - not happy :( Is this progress display simply inaccurate or not updated? I see the log file growing even while the IPC error dialog is displayed. Using baretail.exe ( I can see files are continuing to be added, so it appears that the status indicator is not reporting accurately.

(actually, the "." periods are my own...hint).

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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by mdbole »

I've spent most of my 9/22/13 afternoon trying to make a new backup of my desktop using newly installed FBackup 5.0 Build 192. The last time I tried, I made it all the way to 68% complete when I got the dreaded "Do you want to Restart the IPC Server?" message again. That's all the further I could go after I clicked "Yes." For the second time, I ended up deleting all the backed up files on my Flashdrive to start over. Only, the next time, I will be building my backup with FBackup 4 instead. Like others wrote, I will be waiting until I have absolute assurance version 5 works properly for the initial backup operation.

FYI: FBackup 5 gave me that IPC Server" message while attempting to backup a very large file.

By the way, it appeared to me that after I had imported my Version 4 backup into version 5, my "Mirror" setting on Version 4, somehow, automatically changed to "Full." AND, my "Flashdrive" setting from Version 4, somehow, automatically changed to "Local Hard Drive." I found this out when I clicked on Backup and FBackup 5 started treating my existing file as if it had never been backed up. I assumed that the previously selected values would be inported with the files. I was wrong! Therefore, in the future, I will NOT try to import the previous version files into the new version. That way, if the new version fails, I still have the old version available.

It looks to me like this "Do you want to Restart the IPC Server?" message has been showing up for more than a few weeks, now. I'm very hopeful that this issue will be fixed VERY soon because, other than this Version 5 glitch, I really like the program! Thank you for making it available!

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


I will ask you to verify if the bservice.exe process was not blocked by the antivirus/firewall. The backup continues even if that error message appears.

Can you send me a copy of the backup catalog you imported and was changed to full? send it to me as it is before importing to version 5. Email: info[at]fbackup[dot]com

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Re: Connection to IPC Server lost

Post by mdbole »

I have no idea how to verify the bservice.exe process was not blocked by the antivirus/firewall. I only know that everything works fine with Version 4 but not with Version 5.

As well, it
to me that the backup was NOT continuing after I clicked YES to restart the IPC Server. Therefore, after a long wait, I terminated the backup.

Furthermore, after I had deleted
from Version 4 (using IObit Uninstaller with a Powerful Scan feature which scans for leftover items in the Registry and on the hard drive) because I now had Version 5, I, also, deleted
from Version 5 (using IObit Uninstaller). As a result, I have NO backup catalog to send you for either Version 4 OR Version 5. Sorry!

FYI: After all that, I downloaded FBackup Version 4.8, reinstalled it on my Vista OS Desktop and everything worked perfectly when I did an initial mirror backup last night.

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