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two separated FBackups

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:13 pm
by Josiane
I used FBackup 5... Then I got a message that there was a new update. So I downloaded and installed it.
But now I have two programms !?
FBackup 5... and FBackup 6...

What can I do now?
I can not use the 6... because all my backup jobs are in 5... !?
Please help!


Re: two separated FBackups

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:16 am
by Adrian (Softland)

Please close FBackup 5 and open FBackup 6. Go to File->Tools->Import from version 5
Select the jobs to import.
You can also open in FBackup 6 the .fkc catalog files from the backup destination. That will recreate the backup jobs in FBackup 6.

After that you can uninstall FBackup 5 and continue using FBackup 6.