destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:00 pm

destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

Post by evachiega »

Hello, when I run a copy from a folder to another google drive folder, some files are not copied. The error appears according to the log :
( the text is in spanish ).
[21/10/2017 14:00:03] FBackup 6.6.388
[21/10/2017 14:00:03] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 6\bBackup.exe /R {F3ACD677-5102-4A58-823C-3AEECD5ACAB7} -PRIORITY 2
[21/10/2017 14:00:03] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[21/10/2017 14:00:03] Operating system: Windows 7 Ultimate (Build )
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 1817 MB/3991 MB
User : PC2\Administrador
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/False/False
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : Español (España, internacional)
Installed antiviruses:
AVG Internet Security

[21/10/2017 14:00:03] UAC prevented settings SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege : No todos los privilegios o grupos a los que se hace referencia son asignados al llamador [1300]
[21/10/2017 14:00:03] UAC prevented settings SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege : No todos los privilegios o grupos a los que se hace referencia son asignados al llamador [1300]
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Opening file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 6\FBackup.hst"
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Iniciando copia de seg. para "Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado" en 21/10/2017 14:00:04.
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Comprobar destino de backup (Unidad de disco duro local)
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Opening file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 6\Catalogs\Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado.fkc"
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Comprobar si existen las unidades de las fuentes
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Creando la lista de archivos para la copia de seg.
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Opening file ":memory:"
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\agencia.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\agtafi.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\agtafi.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\agtafi.FPT
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\cobert.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\disloc.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\disloc.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\movanu.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\movanu.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\moviles.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\paramx.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\presta.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.FPT
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Archivo hallado C:\Gt\Prg\SESION.DBF
[21/10/2017 14:00:04] Cerrando archivo ":memory:"
[21/10/2017 14:00:05] Carpetas halladas para backup: 0
[21/10/2017 14:00:05] Archivos encontrados para hacer c. de seg.: 26 (67.764,92 KB)

[21/10/2017 14:00:05] Preparando instantánea
[21/10/2017 14:00:32] Shadow copy created for drives C:
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\agencia.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\agtafi.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\agtafi.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\agtafi.FPT
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\cobert.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\disloc.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\disloc.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\movanu.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\movanu.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\moviles.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\paramx.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\presta.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.dbf
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Advertencia: Omitir archivos C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf
Error en destino (código 32). El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque está siendo utilizado por otro proceso. (C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf). C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf.
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.FPT
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Dat\traslait.CDX
[21/10/2017 14:00:33] Advertencia: Omitir archivos C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf
Error en destino (código 32). El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque está siendo utilizado por otro proceso. (C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf). C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf.
[21/10/2017 14:00:34] Archivo añadidoC:\Gt\Prg\SESION.DBF

[21/10/2017 14:00:35] Guardar catálogo de backup "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 6\Catalogs\Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado.fkc"

[21/10/2017 14:00:40] Iniciando prueba en "Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado" para número de backup 9, el último número de backup en 21/10/2017 14:00:40
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] 9 Espejo 21/10/2017 14:00:04 24 30.940,16 KB
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\agencia.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\agtafi.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\agtafi.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\agtafi.FPT Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\cobert.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\disloc.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\disloc.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprca.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprca.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprit.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprit.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\movanu.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\movanu.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\moviles.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\paramx.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\presta.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobc.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobc.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobd.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobd.dbf Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.FPT Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslait.CDX Aceptar
[21/10/2017 14:00:40] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Prg\SESION.DBF Aceptar
Test finished in 0 second(s) at 21/10/2017 14:00:40, 24 file(s) and 0 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 0 warning(s) found
Núm. total de archivos añadidos a la copia de seg.: 24
Número total de carpetas añadido backup: 0
Tamaño total de los archivos añadidos a la copia de seg.: 30.940,16 KB
Número de archivos excluidos: 0
Número de carpetas excluidas: 0
Archivos omitidos: 2
Siguiente backup programado: 28/10/2017 14:00:00
Copia de seg. completada en 37 second(s) el 21/10/2017 14:00:40 con 0 error(es), 2 aviso(s)
[21/10/2017 14:00:43] Cerrando archivo "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 6\Catalogs\Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado.fkc"
[21/10/2017 14:00:43] Closing file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 6\FBackup.hst"
Thank you.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Can you manually copy those files to another location using File Explorer?

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:00 pm

Re: destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

Post by evachiega »

Softland wrote:Hi,

Can you manually copy those files to another location using File Explorer?
Yes, I can.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please download and install the latest version of FBackup 7.1.251
Let us know if you still have the problem.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:00 pm

Re: destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

Post by evachiega »

I have made the suggested and it worked once.
Then the problem has returned.
The task of copying is done once a week on Saturdays, at a time when there are no staff working.
A similar task is carried out towards the same destination, from Monday to Friday at 10 pm. and since the version of the fbackup program was updated, the problem has not appeared.
Below, it copies the warning message from the Fbackup program.
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] FBackup 7.1.251
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 7\bBackup.exe /r {F3ACD677-5102-4A58-823C-3AEECD5ACAB7} /PRIORITY 2
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] Operating system: Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7601)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 2069 MB/3991 MB
User : PC2\Administrador
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/False/False
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : Español (España, internacional)
Installed antiviruses:
AVG Internet Security

[27/01/2018 14:00:03] UAC prevented settings SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege : No todos los privilegios o grupos a los que se hace referencia son asignados al llamador [1300]
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] UAC prevented settings SE_RESTORE_NAME privilege : No todos los privilegios o grupos a los que se hace referencia son asignados al llamador [1300]
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] Opening file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\FBackup.hst"
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] Starting backup for "Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado" at 27/01/2018 14:00:03
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] Checking backup destination (Local hard drive)
[27/01/2018 14:00:03] Opening file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\Catalogs\Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado.fkc"
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Creating the list of files to backup
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Opening file ":memory:"
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\agencia.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\disloc.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\disloc.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\movanu.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\movanu.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\moviles.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\paramx.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\presta.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.FPT
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Found file C:\Gt\Prg\SESION.DBF
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Closing file ":memory:"
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Folders found to backup: 0
[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Files found to backup: 22 (85.645,26 KB)

[27/01/2018 14:00:04] Preparing shadow copy
[27/01/2018 14:00:25] Could not create Volume Shadow Copy. Locked files will not be copied. Timeout while waiting for the vss pipe
[27/01/2018 14:00:25] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\agencia.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:25] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\disloc.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:26] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\disloc.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:26] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:26] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprca.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:26] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:26] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\liqprit.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:26] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\movanu.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\movanu.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\moviles.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\paramx.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\presta.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobc.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\reccobd.dbf
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Warning: Skipping file C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf
Destination error (code 32). El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque está siendo utilizado por otro proceso. (C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf). C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.dbf.
[27/01/2018 14:00:27] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\traslaca.FPT
[27/01/2018 14:00:28] Added file C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.CDX
[27/01/2018 14:00:28] Warning: Skipping file C:\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf
Destination error (code 32). El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque está siendo utilizado por otro proceso. (C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf). C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslait.dbf.
[27/01/2018 14:00:28] Added file C:\Gt\Prg\SESION.DBF

[27/01/2018 14:00:29] Saving backup catalog "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\Catalogs\Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado.fkc"

[27/01/2018 14:00:36] Starting test on "Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado" for backup number 23, the last backup number at 27/01/2018 14:00:36
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] 23 Mirror 27/01/2018 14:00:03 20 37.018,40 KB
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\agencia.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\disloc.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\disloc.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprca.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprca.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprit.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\liqprit.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\movanu.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\movanu.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\moviles.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\paramx.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\presta.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobc.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobc.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobd.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\reccobd.dbf OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslaca.FPT OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Dat\traslait.CDX OK
[27/01/2018 14:00:36] C:\Users\Administrador\Google Drive\Gt\Prg\SESION.DBF OK
Test finished in 0 second(s) at 27/01/2018 14:00:36, 20 file(s) and 0 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 0 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 20
Total number of folders added to backup: 0
Total size of files added to backup: 37.018,40 KB
Number of files excluded: 0
Number of folders excluded: 0
Files skipped: 2
Next scheduled backup: 03/02/2018 14:00:00
Backup completed in 33 second(s) at 27/01/2018 14:00:36 with 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
[27/01/2018 14:00:37] Closing file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\Catalogs\Copia de Respaldo Google Drive-Sábado.fkc"
[27/01/2018 14:00:38] Closing file "C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 7\FBackup.hst"

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: destination error code (32) - FBackup 6.6.388

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


1. Do you have the same problem if you recreate the scheduled task?
2. What about if you go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Task Scheduler and edit the scheduled task to select the "Run with highest privileges" option?
3. Do you have the same problem if you run the backup manually? what about if you are in logged on at the scheduled time?

Post Reply