first time user, looking for intelligent time saving backup

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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:17 pm

Post by jo »

Great that you guys have this forum... thanks!
I'm not very computer savey, but what I would like to know is the following:
I have a lot of movies on my desktop drive in a folder, and I want to copy them (i.e, backup to my external drive).
I did a full backup. Made sense, first time, to do a full backup.
But now, I am confused.
How, what parameters, do I use to make a repeated backup from my desktop harderive folder to the folder on the external hard drive?
... your program seems to want to spend 4 hours again to backup again everything, but what I thought would happen is that the software would only look for files that are new and add only them to the same named folder on the external drive...
but it doesn't seem to be working like that, it seems to want to back up file by file to the external (even though 95% are old files that it already fully backed upped the first time onto the external and which none of them have been altered or changed), and that took 4 hours last time, when I did the original full backup.
Am I missing something?

Do I have to keep spending 4 to 5 hours everytime I do a backup? Doesn't make sense.
I'm sure the program is more intelligent than that, it can see the files are the same name, same size, same dates and same folder so why to keep copying in full again and again and again?
Please advise.
What settings do I need to change? What parameter do i need to add?
Can anyone help?


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1974
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Post by Adrian (Softland) »

If you used the Mirror backup type, only new and modified files will be backed up. If you used the Full backup type, all files will be backed up again.

Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:23 am

Post by aizolnai »

OK that helps, but please PLEASE put that in your docuemntation for future use, as that is not at all apparent! I just ran a full backup all day over the net, now have to run mirror backup all over again...

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