Copying files from OneDrive folder

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Copying files from OneDrive folder

Post by hbradlow »

I have a locally synced copy of my OneDrive folder.
I wish to have another local backup of this folder on a separate hard drive.
This worked well with Fbackup 7 until 11 April 2018. From that date on, it stopped backing up the files or folders in my local OneDrive folder.
In fact, these folders are no longer visible under 'sources'. If I try and add the OneDrive folder to a backup job, I can select it, but the "OK" button is greyed out.

I would appreciate help.

Adrian (Softland)
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Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Copying files from OneDrive folder

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Microsoft changed the way OneDrive works. Files are no longer saved locally, unless you change a setting in the OneDrive program - "Save Space and Download Files As You Use Them". This is turned on by default. Turning it off causes OneDrive to keep a local copy, which can be backed up.

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