Files missing in destination

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Files missing in destination

Post by johndsc »

I selected mirror option.

Why does FBackup not copy files that are missing?

To test, I added a file in the source:

D:\MyPictures_Student\Italy folder\Rome2030 - Copy

There are 11 files in source folder D:\MyPictures_Student\Italy folder, including the one I added.

After running FBackup, there is only 1 file in destination:

F:\D_driveVideoPC\D\MyPictures_Student\Italy folder

I expect FBackup to add files that are present in source but missing in target.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1978
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Files missing in destination

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


What version of FBackup do you use?
Please make sure you have the latest version which is now 5.0.460

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