switching to fbackup from filebackPC

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switching to fbackup from filebackPC

Post by elmar »

I am looking to run file by file backup with no compression or encryption from my several hard drives to my external usb drive, essentially a mirror, if I understand the term correctly. But, the external drive already has backup files created by a previous program that will not run under windows 7 64 bit. This one appears to, but I do not know how to specify that my backup files already exist and that fbackup merely needs to overwrite ones that have changed rather than all of them. When I attempt to do the backup, it starts doing a complete one, ignoring the files that are in fact there.

Second, how do I get rid of the constantly running program without invoking CAD to stop its process. When I quit it, I want it to actually quit. Exit does not stop it.

Thanks - Elmar

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: switching to fbackup from filebackPC

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


You cannot use the files in destination copied by another application.
You need to create a new backup job using the Mirror backup type, as you said.

The backup process is actually running in background. Cancelling the backup will abort the backup in progress. If for some reason it does not stop, you can kill the backup process (bbackup.exe) from Task Manager

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Re: switching to fbackup from filebackPC

Post by elmar »

Thank you for the reply - I thought as much *sigh* - so the program doesn't compare files between source and destination then, nor let me specify exactly what the destination folder's name is; it always creates its own folder under that with its own namings, and will not simply update changed and new files on the destination when mirror is invoked, right?

As for stopping it, I disabled its startup with boot. Now it only runs if I want it to, although I do have to kill it with CAD after it's done.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: switching to fbackup from filebackPC

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


You can select the destination folder for the backup.
The option not to create a subfolder in destination is available only in our commercial edition: Backup4all.
After the first complete Mirror backup execution, only new and modified files will be backed up.

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