Does Fbackup overwrite files with same name?

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Does Fbackup overwrite files with same name?

Post by Davilo »

For example, let's say that I have a file on my hard drive that's named "Document Number 1.doc" and I run a backup using FBackup. After running the backup I delete "Document Number 1.doc" from my hard drive knowing that if I need to view it again I have the option to restore it using FBackup.

At some later date I have aanother file that's named "Document Number 1.doc" and I save it to my hard drive in the same folder that the original older file with the same name was stored. If I run a backup job will the older, original file named "Document Number 1.doc" be overwritten by the newer "Document Number 1.doc" or will FBackup detect that the files were created on different dates and save the newer file without making any changes to the older file that has the same name?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Does Fbackup overwrite files with same name?

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If you use the Mirror backup type, FBackup does not keep track of multiple file/backup versions.
The old file will be overwritten with the new one.

If you use the Full backup type, FBackup deletes every time the old backup and creates a new one with the current source files.
In destination you will have only the new file.

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