Backup zip file disappeared in backup destination folder!

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[email protected]
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:57 am

Backup zip file disappeared in backup destination folder!

Post by [email protected] »

Hello, I'm fairly new to FBackup. I backed up two external drive into a bigger external harddrive in September 2021 and loved it.

Today I ran into a serious issue when I try to do another backup, and I don't know if I have lost all my data. I hope I haven't. Please help!!!

Here is the sequence of things happend today, please bear with me, hope I can explain my issues to be as understandable as possible:
1. I was trying to backup my data again, FBackup needs an update, so updated.
2. Saw the 50% off sale (great deal), so I purchased the Backup4All and I installed and activated it.
3. I tried to open the fkc in FBackup, my backup destination drive volume has changed, so it asked me to change destination, so I changed
4. Then I clicked "backup".
5. A few seconds later, error message, then I opened the log file (see the log file text below)
6. While I try to open the backup destination folder, the zip file in the backup folder is GONE... (it used to be openable to view file, but it is not there anymore!) :cry: :cry:
7. This became a bigger issue, because I have formated my old harddrive contained all the data that I backed up by FBackup in September. :cry: :cry:
8. I tried to use Backup4All open the "fkc", hope to resolve this issue, but same issue. :cry: :cry:

Please help!!! Thank you in advance!

Here is the Log file text full copy (only thing I altered is the "User" info):

[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] FBackup 9.4.464
[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\FBackup 9\bBackup.exe /GUI {11111111-1111-1111-1111-222222222222} /JOB {EDFF06E9-56EA-444E-9303-867AEFB6ABE8}
[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Operating system: Windows 10 Home (Build 19043)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[4] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[5] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[6] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[7] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[8] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[9] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[10] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Processor[11] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 25612 MB/32658 MB
User : DESKTOP-xxxxxxxx\ousn3
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/True/True
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : English (United States)
Installed antiviruses:
Windows Defender

[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\ousn3\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 9\FBackup.hst"
[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Starting backup for "Older files" at 12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM
[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Backup Summary:
Name: Older files
Things earlier than 2021
Ini file: C:\Users\ousn3\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 9\Jobs\{EDFF06E9-56EA-444E-9303-867AEFB6ABE8}.ini
Destination type: Removable
Drive: G:
Folder: G:\Junjun's files\2020 and earlier\
Catalog: G:\Junjun's files\2020 and earlier\Older files.fkc
Erase removable before writing: No
Volume label prefix:

H:\Backup mac


Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Office temporary files
( File name = '~$*.docx|~$*.dotx|~$*.xlsx|~$*.xltx|~$*.ppsx|~$*.pptx|~$*.potx|~$*.sldx|~$*.doc|~$*.dot|~$*.xls|~$*.xlt|~$*.pps|~$*.ppt|~$*.pot|~$*.sld')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bak|*.chk|*.fkc-journal')
Backup type:
Type: Full
Use block backup: No
Save storage space: Limit number of backups to 1
Merge Backups: No
Clear archive bit: No
Compression level: medium
Do not compress files of type: *.zip|*.rar|*.mp3|*.avi|*.7z|*.gif|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.mpg|*.gz|*.gzip|*.mov|*.swf
Always use temporary folder to create zip files: No
Use alternate zipping mode: No
Password: no password
Zip split size: Automatic
Create independent splits: No
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: Yes
Compress catalog in destination: No
Test after backup: Yes
Quick test: No
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Remove files with errors from catalog: No
Verify backup before execution No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory: Yes
Smart file scanning mode: Yes
Only if the previous backup ran in the last 0 day 1 hours
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System, ]
Sounds: not enabled
Emails: not enabled
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No

[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Checking backup destination (Removable)
[12/31/2021 6:50:32 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\ousn3\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 9\Catalogs\Older files.fkc"
[12/31/2021 6:50:33 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Opening file ":memory:"
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Found file H:\Album
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Found file H:\Backup mac
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Found file H:\Others
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Closing file ":memory:"
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Folders found to backup: 0
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Files found to backup: 3 (0 KB)

[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Opening file ":memory:"

[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Archiving files to
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Warning: Skipping file H:\Album
The system cannot find the file specified
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Warning: Skipping file H:\Backup mac
The system cannot find the file specified
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Warning: Skipping file H:\Others
The system cannot find the file specified
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Closing file ":memory:"

[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Saving backup catalog "C:\Users\ousn3\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 9\Catalogs\Older files.fkc"
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Closing file "C:\Users\ousn3\AppData\Roaming\Softland\FBackup 9\Catalogs\Older files.fkc"
Backup aborted. Reason:
All the files and folders have been skipped. Nothing to backup.
Files skipped: 3
Next scheduled backup: Not scheduled
Backup aborted after 2 second(s) at 12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM with 1 error(s), 3 warning(s)
[12/31/2021 6:50:34 PM] Error: All the files and folders have been skipped. Nothing to backup.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1978
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: Backup zip file disappeared in backup destination folder!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


As the backup destination drive letter was changed, the backup started from zero in Backup4all.
The existing backup was not deleted from destination, but because of the "new backup destination", the backup will be stored in a folder near the old one.
As the backup did not ran, because it skipped all the files, the old one is not touched.
As for the sources from H: drive, please make sure they are accessible at the backup time.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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