FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

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FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

Post by Dhugalmac »

I have been running FBackup 4____ for a while now with no problems.
But today I did an Update to FBackup 5.1.558 and cannot get things to launch now.

When I launch FBackup 5.1.558 I get a window telling me "Buy Now" or "Already Paid"
First I thought that FBackup was FREE. The website says that over and over. So Why Do I Need To Buy Now?

And when I attempt to follow the Buy Now links I am not offered anywhere to either "Buy Now" or to obtain my Registration number?

How do I resolve this?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1978
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Re: FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


You probably installed Backup4all, our commercial edition.
Please download the latest version of FBackup from our website.

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Re: FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

Post by Dhugalmac »

Thank you for your reply.

I did not download Backup4All.
I downloaded FBackup 5.1.558 from your webpage: http://www.fbackup.com/free-download.php then: http://www.fbackup.com/quick-download.php
The file which downloaded was named: fbsetup.exe
File size: 1232 KB
And it successfully installed.

However when I click on the FBackup 5 shortcut icon I get a window indicating:
Please wait while Windows configures FBackup

Then when that completes I get a FBackup 'splash' window for a second or two.
Then that 'splash' window is replaced by the Activate Application window showing "Buy Now" or "Already Bought"

Please help me resolve this so that I can once again use FBackup

Thank you

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Re: FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

Post by Dhugalmac »

I want to add the following in reference to your comment:
You probably installed Backup4all, our commercial edition.

The Activate Application window showing "Buy Now" or "Already Bought"
Just below that it says:
Click "Buy Now" if you don't own a license or on "Already Bought?" to activate FBackup

There is no mention of Backup4all on that page at all.

Where is the FREE FBackup 5.1.558 ??

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1978
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:57 am

Re: FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


It seems FBackup was not correctly installed on your computer.
Please uninstall it, then delete the "c:\ProgramData\Softland\FBackup 5" folder.
Try again to install FBackup.

Do you still have the problem?

Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:47 pm

Re: FBackup 5.1.558 Installation Problem

Post by Dhugalmac »

I ended up doing the following:
1. Use Windows to Uninstall FBackup 5.1.558
2. Use JV16 Power Tools to purge the Windows Registry of all instances of the word "FBackup"
3. Deleted all of the files & directories in the FBackup directory
4. Installed FBackup 5.1.558 using FBackup-Full.exe
5. Launched FBackup

All is OK now.

Obviously your Upgrade from FBackup 4 to FBackup 5 did not work.

You could have just told me which Windows Registry items to edit/delete and it most likely would have fixed it faster.

Regardless, thank you for your assistance.

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