Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

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Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Overlord »

Hello to all,
I'm experiencing a problem with my computer after upgrading to version 5, every time I boot the computer in safe mode, it will restarts few seconds after loading the logon screen; uninstalling Fbackup 5 this never happens and I'm able to boot and logon into safe mode properly.
I've tried also to install the operating system from scratch but the problem is the same.
Anyone is experiencing this problem after upgrading?

I've just installed Fbackup 5 on another computer and the problem occourred as well as on my PC.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Running programs in Windows safe mode is not recommended as there are some features not working.
Safe mode starts Windows with a limited set of files and drivers.

Please use FBackup in Windows normally. Let us know if you still have that problem.

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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Overlord »

that's not what I mean, I don't need to run Fbackup 5 in safe mode.
My problem is that with Fbackup 5 installed I'm unable to boot my computer in safe mode succesfully, the operating system crashes without any blue screen few seconds after loading the logon screen.
This problem doesn't happen if I uninstall Fbackup 5.
As I need frequently to boot my computer in safe mode, I would like to know if this is a known bug and if it will be fixed in the next release.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Do you have FBackup set to start at Windows startup? If yes, please disable that option from File->Options->Startup.

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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Overlord »


I had configured Fbackup to start at Windows startup, so I disabled this option as you suggested me but the problem is still present.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


In this case there should be no other reasons for FBackup to affect your Safe mode startup behavior. If FBackup is not running, you should check other applications running at that moment.

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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Overlord »


After the O.S installation I did few days ago, I'd installed only the drivers needed, I didn't install other applications in order to find what software was causing the problem.
With only drivers installed the O.S booted properly in safe mode, so I rebooted in full mode and installed Fbackup 5, without setting it up to load at Windows startup.
After completing the installation procedure, I rebooted again in safe mode and the problem appeared again.
As a result of these checks I can say that this problem is caused by Fbackup.

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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by nospringchicken »

I have exactly the same problem with this issue. With Fbackup 5 installed I cannot run safe mode on my PC. I was not trying to access Fbackup 5 in safe mode. I was just trying to use safe mode normally. The limited sub set of programs flash on the screen, safe mode tries to open but fails and then reloads the limited sub set of programs again and again in a continual loop. I had to use a system recovery disk and reimage my HDD to get my PC up and running again.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


I will create a ticket for our developers to look in code and see what the problem is.

Posts: 5
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Re: Fbackup 5 - safe mode issue

Post by Overlord »


Thank you so much! Fbackup is my favourite backup software, I would avoid to replace it.

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