Fbackup: How to creat backup versions automatically.

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Post by Roland2804 »

While Fbackup does not have an incremental or differential option by using autohotkey and windows task schedule it is possible to automate the process. This example is for a six cycle backup schedule but by increase the AHK details it would be possible to creat a weekly cycle or even 12 monthly cycle.
Link to YouTube video explaining more on this,

Adrian (Softland)
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Post by Adrian (Softland) »

We appreciate your efforts and the video you created.

Please note there are some important things to mention. Some of the users could get confused, trying to use FBackup to restore those old backups, which is not possible.
- Even if you keep 6 versions of the backup in destination, FBackup can restore only the most recent one, the other versions are not stored in catalog.

- If you really want, you can manually extract the files from the other backup versions in destination. But that does not involve FBackup during restore.
I would appreciate if you can create a video based on the actual features of FBackup.

Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

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